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Here are work shoes for most people, whether you work in industry, the restaurant industry or healthcare. We have divided our work shoes into three sub-categories, look under all to get the optimal alternative for you as the work shoes have an important place in life. The outsoles are quiet and flexible in water-resistant and wipeable rubber/PU. Inner soles are available with both wooden veneers and soft ergonomically designed variants. There are a variety of different straps and features on the straps that allow you to choose how firmly the shoe should sit on the foot. Several products have an adjustable strap over the ankle that can be pulled behind the heel, creating a shoe that is quick to put on or sit firmly. The leather on most of the shoes has a protective wiping surface in PU. The upper is available both without and with perforation/ventilation holes to ventilate the foot during the day and also with steel cap for the occasions when the toes need extra protection. Some models also have a padded upper edge to create a softer feel over the ankle. Quality and comfort are the keywords of these products - something your feet always deserve.

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